Preparing for career and academic success
This integrated curriculum promotes the employability and academic readiness goals of
the new English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS)
the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Technology tasks throughout the course promote learners’ development of digital information skills to find, evaluate, organize, create, and present information to prepare for the world of work as well as continuing education
The curriculum: soft-skills approach and contextualized instruction
CareerView combines a general soft-skills approach to employment preparation with contextualized instruction that is organized by the career pathways established by the U.S. government for career and technical education
The perfect career exploration partner
CareerView can serve as the capstone level of a traditional basal English series, as a stand-alone or supplemental high-intermediate or transition/bridge/advanced English course, and as an introductory career exploration resource for students entering continuing education, occupational training settings, and high school career and technical education programs
School employment counselors, career navigators, and other guidance professionals can also use the Core Text with student advisees to help them explore career pathways
The four key course objectives are
career exploration
effective communication skills for employability and success in the workforce
academic readiness for continuing education
development of learners’ digital information skills and use of technology